Response to Dear Penny about charging boyfriend rent

There is a YouTube channel called Budget Girl. Her name is Sarah and she bought a duplex and lives with her boyfriend and charges him rent. She has a couple of episodes where she explains the rationale behind this. I think it is very valuable information for someone who has a live-in boyfriend who doesn’t contribute.


Yes, when moving in with a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other, it’s important to set financial responsibilities right away!

Also, here’s a link to the original Dear Penny column:…ging-boyfriend-rent/

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I work with many people who do not do this, and it’s hard for them to make ends meet. In general, I think anyone living with someone, Should contribute on a regular basis. Not just cover the cell phone bill, but have a set amount towards housing.


Thanks @savingsmama! I will check it out!

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You can call me old fashioned, but it you live together it should be as a married couple. Married couples have rights in the legal system, singles do not have the same rights as marrieds, they are just playing house and can walk away at anytime, leaving the other one financially liable. If she chooses to charge him rent, he should sign a contract or a promissory note and get receipts. It may sound stern to document a commitment from a bf, but you may be setting yourself for disaster otherwise.