Simple Budgeting Advice That Everybody Should Know

The first step toward a sound financial future is budgeting. It enables you to take a close look at your monthly revenue and develop a detailed action plan for how you will spend your money before you actually do. Whether you want to reduce your monthly grocery spending, prepare for retirement, or pay off debt, creating a budget helps speed up the process.

Main Points
You can manage where your money is going by creating a budget.

Your ability to reach your financial objectives depends on your choice of budgeting method.

Making room for error helps you stay inside your budget.

Savings should be prioritized to improve financial stability.

Knowledge of Income

Knowing your monthly after-tax income, commonly referred to as your “take-home” pay, is the foundation of all budgeting. Setting your spending and saving objectives will be easier if you have a clear understanding of where your money comes from. Determine the monthly income you can expect to bring into your home to start.

Numerous sources of income are possible, such as your normal job, a side business, paying child support, or receiving government assistance. List all of your sources of income and then note the least amount that each one will contribute to your overall monthly revenue.


If you work for yourself, your income could fluctuate. When creating your monthly budget, take into account utilizing your income from the month with the lowest income in the previous two years as the starting point.

Select a Budgeting Method

For some people, creating a budget can seem like an intimidating undertaking. The ideal budgeting strategy, though, is the one that works for you, so keep that in mind. There are numerous excellent budgeting strategies, but they all cater to various skill sets and monetary objectives. As a result, don’t feel as though you have to adhere to a rigid system, Kari Lorz, a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) and the creator of Money for the Mamas, said The Balance in an email interview.

Budgeting from zero

You could enjoy zero-based budgeting if you want to know where every dollar you make is going. By deciding where every dollar goes before you spend it, it enables you to keep control of your spending.


The goal of a zero-based budget is not to spend all of your money. It is directing your funds toward your objectives and expenses such that, if there is any money left over after expenses, you are purposefully using it to pursue a goal like saving money or paying off debt.

Sort your spending into categories and decide exactly how much you’ll spend in each category and on what. Money should definitely be set aside initially for necessities including food, shelter, utilities, transportation, paying off debt, and other necessities.

Then, you might set aside some funds for starting an emergency fund or funding a savings account for a new home. The balance could be used on entertainment, travel, or other enjoyable costs. You will have the opportunity to review your budget and make any necessary changes at the end of each month.

Money Envelope

The cash envelope method is effective for folks who want a more tangible, hands-on budgeting solution to assist them rein in their spending.

This method entails marking envelopes with your budget’s many areas, such as transportation, utilities, and groceries. Then divide the actual money among the envelopes. You can only spend that much on that item for the month after the money runs out. It will be much more difficult to overspend if you use this strategy to develop a keen awareness of where your money is going.

Give yourself some leeway

It might become tiresome to constantly try to keep track of every dollar you spend. Therefore, one method to add breathing room to your budget is to set aside a particular sum of money each month to serve as your margin of error. According to Damian Dunn, Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Vice President of Advice with Your Money Line, “a margin is the secret sauce for maintaining a monthly budget and reaching your financial goals,” he told The Balance in an email interview.

Make sure you’re still responsible with money, though. You can give your budget a little wiggle room, but monitor your spending to ensure that you don’t go over the allowance you’ve allowed yourself.

Methods for Making a Margin

Finding out how much of your income you don’t have to spend each month is the key to building a margin. Your buffer or margin is that amount. "Having a margin enables us to cover the unforeseen expenses that arise each month without having to use credit or draw from our emergency fund. I prefer budgets with a 5% to 10% margin, according to Dunn.

Dunn is aware that your margin is influenced by your own circumstances, but advises, “But once you’ve got a margin, fight like crazy to keep it.” In other words, don’t let lifestyle creep consume that buffer.

First, pay yourself.

Finding money to save can seem unattainable when trying to budget for a variety of expenses. Try setting aside money for savings first and paying bills with the remainder once your savings have been prepared. This practice is known as “paying yourself first.”

Set up automatic savings contributions to accomplish this so you can start saving before you spend your paycheck.

"Automated contributions to savings accounts assist establish an out-of-sight, out-of-mind strategy. I would contend that failing to prioritize your savings will prevent you from ever advancing in life, said Lorrie Delk Walker, a financial counselor at Allen & Company in Lakeland, Florida, in an email to The Balance.

Follow Your Development

Budgeting is fundamentally just a spending plan. Observe your spending to see what is effective, where you are having difficulty, and where your money is going. Starting out, it could be helpful to keep tabs on your expenditure on a daily or weekly basis and review your budgeting strategy every few months. You can perform evaluations at longer intervals once you’ve chosen a strategy that you believe to be effective.

“Tracking progress and making adjustments is critical,” said Jeff Grampp, CFF and head of Gateway Investor Relations, in an email interview with The Balance. "Over time, both prices and consumption patterns change. So, every year or so, take some time to evaluate your situation and determine whether your budget is accurate.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Budgeting – what is it?
Making a continuous and conscious strategy for your money is the process of budgeting. Ensure that your budget suits you. It could be time to adjust your budget if you feel constrained by it. Make sure you include some enjoyable objectives or splurges in your budget. You’ll be more likely to persevere if you do it that way.

What makes budgeting crucial?

In order to ensure that you have enough money to cover your bills and that you are intentional with how you spend the remainder of your income, budgeting is essential. It enables you to keep a tight eye on your spending, savings, and overall financial situation. It’s simpler for you to manage your money and make wise spending selections when you build a plan and set goals. You can spot financial opportunities and threats more readily.

What are a few typical budgeting errors?

It might be difficult to stick to a budget, and being stingy doesn’t help. You can become so upset that you give up on your budget if your budget has no room for error or if you’re too hard on yourself. Additionally, you should keep track of your expenditures, put money aside for an emergency fund, and routinely check your budget to make sure it’s current.

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