About the Money Wins category

Bought shampoo for $0.69 at CVS? Nice! Share your recent money wins here.

Talked the dealership down $1,000 on a van. (That was basically close to what the taxes, licensing and registration ended up being anyway so it was basically like getting those for free!)

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@mooreincome That’s great to hear, congrats! I am personally terrible at haggling, so I leave that to my wife. :laughing:

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Convinced my wife that we didn’t need to hit up the Christmas clearance aisle at Walmart the first week of January advertising 50% off. For the past couple of years, she’s gone to that aisle to buy herself a soap set for really cheap. Turns out, if you wait a little bit longer, it turns into a 90% off aisle instead! They also had discounted wrapping paper, bows, ornaments, etc. for a fraction of the cost they were originally priced.