I saw the item about earning extra income by using natural talents of being a Match Maker. I’m single. I’ve had no luck on date sights, my age is the flaw. I’m 59, retired. I do ask friends that if they know of anyone, but they come up with nothing. I’d like to hire a Match Maker, but the Pros in this field charge $25,000 USD .
Hello Jobelle,
Let’s connect and go over various things to make sure you need a match maker. If so we can discuss various options, thank you.
You have me confused, do you want to learn to be a matchmaker and go into business as one or do you want to find a match for you?
I’ve always wanted to do a match making event. Been to Meet and Greets on other types of clubs. Different Lifestyle. I’ve actually have set up some life long love stories. I love meeting people and building a trusting client relationship
I tried to be a matchmaker once, just once, it was a disaster. The guy was never married, employed, no children, and was part of a group of our friends who would go to breakfast on Sunday at Golden Corral. Plus never leave a tip. That should tell you something right there. I tried to “fix him up” with my co-worker and I had high hopes it would work well. He met her and liked her, they went on a few dates. He turned out to be a cheap self-absorbed looser, he worked selling mortgages, insurances, and refinances for a bank-freelance but took it too far by propositioning people trying to enjoy their breakfast and in the parking lot of GC. Got to give him credit for the hustle.
For you, research, research, and more research. Be totally prepared for anything and everything. The state and federal governments have money for business ventures, maybe you could look there.
You might even need to have security around, trouble may be invited, you never know, these days any kind of personal interaction in a business could lead to misunderstandings. Advertising needs to be clearly spelled out and adhered to, no guess work. Also contracts signed by all involved to keep things legit.
Best to you.
I went on a date once, the man left no tip. I went back and gave the waitress the tip and asked her to call me a cab! Anyone who fussed over a 20% tip is not someone I’d want to be matched with!
Jobelle Collie posted:
I’d like someone who would be interested in being my partner in ballroom dance classes. The singles get matched with others, to learn, but to really master dancing, you have to have a partner who is in sync with you. I studied both Classical Ballet and Kung Fu as a child/teen. Dancing and water sports are how I keep fit. I’m a great cook, went to cooking school at 16. My Grandparents and Patents were old school Bostonians.
Now based on what you posted here. I feel you could better benefit from hiring a relationship/life coach which is much lower financially compared to hiring a matchmaker. I’m only saying this and not implying you have financial issues. But more along the lines of gaining certain benefits.
Look at it like this. Your ultimate goal is to meet someone your compatible with if I’m understanding you correctly, and that may require hiring a matchmaker to hit your goal.
But I personally would advise you start with a relationship/life coach that will help you prep and help you find specific partners for specific aspects in your life such as ballroom dancing that you enjoy but want to do it with someone who equally enjoys ball room dancing as much as you do. Instead of being matched up with other singles every time like you expressed. With this aspect in mind your not expecting to find a compatible relationship match. Instead it’s more like live training per say as a coach will help you meet someone new for each types of things that you need another for with various shared interests, and coach you to find specific qualities in people you may not have thought of, but also will teach you things to watch out for that you may have never thought of before either. Regardless it’s all live practice for when the time comes to find that right companion.
A good coach will layout a strategy or an outline to a game plan. For example; a coach will help your prep ahead of time and assist you in finding another person that enjoys ballroom dancing as much as you do as previously explained. But that’s just the start. Ideally together you and your coach will draft up 1 or more strategies that will happen over a set course of time. A week, a month, sometimes up to a year, or better, and you will base your strategy to work successfully throughout the complete time line. Like your love of ballroom dancing, together with your coach we will find passions, adventures, activities, etc… that require you to have a partner to attend. The life coach differs here then a matchmaker as a matchmaker is focused primarily on finding a compatible person that you can enjoy spending the rest of your life with. A coach in the setup I’m laying out here will only introduce you to people that have the same passion for each specific activity that you love doing or have passion for. Also on each activity that your coach lays out for your strategy will introduce you to a new partner for each activity outlined in your strategy. The coach is only finding like minded partners based around your designated activities. So you’ll meet someone new every single time. Yes this can sound like an odd strategy. But the purpose is to put dating & relationships completely out of your head during each event and allow you to meet new people you never woulda attempted to meet by yourself, and it takes a lot of work which is also a deterrent for most people.
With you removing the relationship aspect out of your mind and just enjoying your passions with others that share the same passions you can then allow yourself to be more open and not as quick to judge as each person you meet will not be your life partner. Once you hire a coach this will all be explained in much better detail. This is one of many ideas a good coach will work hand and hand with you throughout and you’ll have a good time enjoying your passions with other like minded individuals.
Now with this being said, if I was the coach I would insist on bringing in my private investigator and also allowing me to vet each person along with other strategies I don’t publicly post. So that each partner I place you with didn’t just get outta prison for rape for example. This obviously will increase the costs but a good coach will vet each new partner on various aspects and without you knowing, you just may accidentally find that compatible partner you’ve been seeking to enjoy life with…
There’s a lot of strategies to discuss and find what best suits you. At time a good coach will push you outta your comfort zone but for positive reasons you won’t see right away. If things go right you’ll never have to hire a matchmaker. I could keep on with countless ideas and strategies but I am going to stop this here since it’s public. Once you meet and agree to hiring the right coach for your situation. Your coach will open up a whole new world of options that you can choose from based on your comfort.
Jobelle Collie posted:
I’m looking to hire someone or find someone who can make introductions for me for dates. I DO NOT need a man to save me, I pay my own bills, I’m retired and have a good retirement income for life. I’m a bit older than most date apps, I’m 59. I retired at age 40 and now just write and publish books. I have enough education to choke a horse. My two children are adults, they both have professional degrees, married and live independently from me and their Dad. I’ve been out of the dating world for a long time. When I divorced their Dad (cheaters need not apply) my children were 7 years and 4 months old. I decided that my job as a Mom was more important than dating men and I really didn’t want different men coming in and out of our lives. I still worked full time, completed degrees and reared two wonderful, respectful and smart children. Our divorce stipulated that child support would be paid until the youngest (then 4 months old) was age 26, in college full time, married or joined the US Military. My son finish his degrees at age 26 years and 6 months. He is now 32 and settled in his career. I’m a disabled Veteran (their Dad was also US Military) and I do use a powerchair sometimes and I have a service dog. No, I don’t look disabled, but I promise there is one. I’m a MENSA geek, and so are my children. My I.Q. is 149, not bad for a dizzy blonde who had a TBI! I am cancer free, but chemo made me a bit chubby. But I have curves in all the right places. What am I looking for? A man who is a gentleman, can carry on a conversation, is single, our Faiths have to match, he can be working or retired. I’m not sure if I’ll marry again, but someone who would be a good travel companion. I’ve been around the world twice. I don’t like to fly because I make a terrible back seat driver, constantly listening to the engines, watch how the Pilot banks in curves and how good he can land a jet. Now you know what I used to do! I’m an avid reader, a budget nerd and I make my own jewelry. I’m into my Faith, (Methodist but I’ll explain in person) I like nice clothes, live theater and cruises. I’m in the middle of selling my current home and building a new home. I’m tossing all the things I no longer use. I’m not expecting a millionaire or a superstar, just a gentleman who can keep his life in order just like I do. Does this answer your question?
Very descriptive and straight to the point, that is extremely important if you do hire a matchmaker. But, and this is a big but. I highly recommend you don’t openly share so many deep details about yourself before you’ve talked with a matchmaker. Save all those details for the in person interview. I have 2 reasons of why you shouldn’t do this.
Any type of scam artist that is very good at scamming people in various ways are hard to identify. Some of these are professionals at scamming and have taught themselves for many years to be successful ripping off even the smartest people. It’s their profession and as we all know that whatever job or career path we take in life, we strive hard to be the best at our profession. These people do the exact same thing. Especially now that you have been so descriptive a scam artist can fake being a matchmaker as there is no government regulated laws currently that makes matchmakers have to be licensed or have to identify themselves as a matchmaker. This, again, is just another reason the big companies can charge you $25,000-$60,000 per job. (Which is ridiculous) So with such a descriptive profile about yourself, your family, your current life, past life, etc… Your giving a professional scam artist all the tools they will need to impersonate and promise the things they know that’ll make you jump on to hire them. I’ve never personally seen this but I’ve heard horror stories from friends in the industry.
It is necessary to give a vague outline of yourself and what your wanting. As a matchmaker or a relationship coach I need to know just the basics to even consider taking you on as a serious client. As I only work on one case at a time due to the amount of quality work, research and personal techniques I use which will easily rack up many hours day & night to offer the best possible service to my client. But this helps me to determine your legitimacy and is what helps me decide if I will meet you in person for a 1 on 1 interview whether your seeking matchmaking or relationship coaching services. I never accept any client until I decide various things pending how the in person interview goes. At the end of the in person interview is when I make my decision to take you on as a client or not. But during this in person interview is when you are going to need to be transparent about all aspects of your life, even the embarrassing ones that nobody knows about. Everything is kept fully confidential between only you & myself. If we decide to not go forward with services after the interview or if you do hire me for services then I only keep your confidential records for 6 months after the date your contract is finished. On both scenarios I keep only your general name and contact info for my records. All the notes taken I hire a professional company pending which city I’m working in that professionally shred and discard all the confidential information I have maintained. I also offer to my clients that I can send a copy of the receipt when the records get disposed of 6 months down the line to have for you own records. I keep al confidential and non confidential records obtained throughout each job kept in a locked up fireproof safe. It’s just an additional protection I feel necessary if my house burned down the records would be safe and if a robber broke into my house. There’s no way they could get access inside the safe nor remove the 800 pound safe bolted to the floor from my residence. I take each clients confidentiality extremely important.
Also which is extremely important on your end. While I’m interviewing you, you should be interviewing me as well. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT on your end, I cannot express this enough. Also during this in person meet you can better gauge if I’m the right fit for you. Pay attention to body language/movements, as well as facial expressions when discussing private & sensitive info about you and how their attention to your cases details throughout the entire interview. Pay attention to how serious and how focused I am dedicating My time to you or if I’m checking my watch often, or taking calls/texts during our interview.
You will have your own questions that you’ll want to ask and I encourage that 100%. But along with your questions you’ll also learn more then you would think by being observant throughout the interview. If your seeing signs that I’m easily distracted or put our interview on hold once or multiple times to send a text or take a phone call. These observations are critical as it allows you to gauge how important that your needs are being met. When someone gives you their undivided attention during the whole interview process which generally lasts 1-2 hours pending on the services you require. It will teach you so much about the other person and most times your able to gauge if their the right person to hire based on visual observations throughout along with any questions you have set to ask.
Now, which is crucial, before the interview starts you need to make clear that at a certain time you may have to make a call or text if there is a family emergency currently taking place. Both parties will understand and will be appreciative about your honesty. It is rare that it will happen but things out of your control can happen to anyone at anytime. Always be open and honest as that is a beautiful aspect some people naturally have. But if their telling you up front about a possible call/text that is not of extreme emergency such as checking the latest sports scores. Then you’ll know right away that this isn’t the best person to use for whatever services you are inquiring on.
You wouldn’t imagine how many times when I first started out someone gave me the notion their looking for love or someone compatible to their lifestyle. But when I interviewed them in person and got to know them on a much deeper more personal level. That I find out the client was wasting my time as they didn’t want to hire a matchmaker for love. They wanted to hire a matchmaker to be able to have sex with men/women that were way outta their league. After their sexual encounter each person I’ve come across wanting this said the same thing. After their one time sexual encounter they didn’t want anything more to do with that person. I’ve had both men and women try to hire my services for this. I had one lady in Chicago that wanted to hire my services one time each month for a year for a flat fee of $10,000 each month. As much as I woulda loved to obtain a year contract with a guaranteed $10,000 each month I still just couldn’t do it. I will immediately terminate any contract if I find out my services are being used for sexual pleasure.
Now I also work as a relationship coach which is a completely different contract I get hired for. When hired for coaching I will only assist anyone with various sexual advice if that advice is to better help create healthier sex life within a relationship. As a heathy sex life is a crucial part of a healthy relationship.
Jobelle Collie posted:
I went on a date once, the man left no tip. I went back and gave the waitress the tip and asked her to call me a cab! Anyone who fussed over a 20% tip is not someone I’d want to be matched with!
Things like this are very common that will be able to easily be noticed by a quality matchmaker. That’s where a good matchmaker does their best work and effectively. If your matchmaker is bringing you dead ends that you can clearly see. Then you need to break off your contract with them immediately.
redcatcec posted:
I tried to be a matchmaker once, just once, it was a disaster. The guy was never married, employed, no children, and was part of a group of our friends who would go to breakfast on Sunday at Golden Corral. Plus never leave a tip. That should tell you something right there. I tried to “fix him up” with my co-worker and I had high hopes it would work well. He met her and liked her, they went on a few dates. He turned out to be a cheap self-absorbed looser, he worked selling mortgages, insurances, and refinances for a bank-freelance but took it too far by propositioning people trying to enjoy their breakfast and in the parking lot of GC. Got to give him credit for the hustle.
For you, research, research, and more research. Be totally prepared for anything and everything. The state and federal governments have money for business ventures, maybe you could look there.
You might even need to have security around, trouble may be invited, you never know, these days any kind of personal interaction in a business could lead to misunderstandings. Advertising needs to be clearly spelled out and adhered to, no guess work. Also contracts signed by all involved to keep things legit.
Best to you.
There is some great advice here. But in this situation you should retain your own private investigator and bring them in on every job. This would alleviate all those issues leaving you more time to focus on the important aspects to be more successful.
Annie Bishop posted:
I’ve always wanted to do a match making event. Been to Meet and Greets on other types of clubs. Different Lifestyle. I’ve actually have set up some life long love stories. I love meeting people and building a trusting client relationship.
Annie Bishop posted:
I’ve always wanted to do a match making event. Been to Meet and Greets on other types of clubs. Different Lifestyle. I’ve actually have set up some life long love stories. I love meeting people and building a trusting client relationship
You sound like a social butterfly as we call it. Great with people and have incredible & creative ways to bring people together & network. Most importantly you seem like it genuinely satisfies you when your successful and that in turns gives you that incredible feeling knowing you helped someone out. If you would like some ideas, tools, areas online to study up on to see if it’s for you please shoot me a msg. From your post I would highly advise working for a company as you clearly honor quality here highly. You may be persuaded into working for a company as more of an intern to get your feet wet. But you already have great people & networking skills. The only thing you need now to be successful is friends in the matchmaking field to bounce ideas off and get tips from, and to dedicate yourself into various types of research. You wouldn’t think it but I have my own private investigator that thoroughly vents any possible candidate before they even become a possibility. I often have my PI run deep background checks on my clients ahead of time to determine if their interview worthy. Then once I interview them and I’m getting more lies then truths. I can comfortably decline the job and feel good about it. Contact my if you would like to talk more anytime, if not good luck. You are off to a good start.
redcatcec posted:
You have me confused, do you want to learn to be a matchmaker and go into business as one or do you want to find a match for you?
I cannot speak for her, but the impression I took from it is she is sick and tired of endless dates with terrible guys, and/or tired of meeting guys that in no way shape or form are compatible to have a relationship with as she sees the signs early on that it’ll just be a waste of her time. I didn’t take that she wanted to be a matchmaker, but I could be wrong. It appeared she was more in shock or bummed that many matchmaking services can be very expensive.
I have been a matchmaker for the past few years and have flown to various states to work with clients. I don’t have a set rate, and base my rates per each individual situation. Also if it helps anyone, in my experience stay away from matchmaking companies. These companies are the ones who usually have the high rates and prefer quantity over quality with their clients and they push it heavily on all their matchmakers that work under them.
I have found it best to work for myself as I can value quality 100% of the time without some boss pushing to fire me for not producing quantity. Whether you go with a company or individual matchmaker there’s a few key points of information you should ask as a precaution to protect yourself. Also, if your matchmaker prefers working with you via phone, text, email instead of in person. That is a huge red flag right there that their quality in work is not what’s in your best interest. There’s several things people should know about and not be afraid to ask when interviewing a matchmaker. If anyone has any questions then please feel free to message me anytime.
I only take on 1 case at a time No matter the length it takes to complete the clients requests. Also keep in mind a good matchmaker will fully interview you before deciding to take you on as a client. With that being said I highly advise you do the same. When she brought up many matchmakers charge $25,000 just to start. That usually is because a company has a high reputation because they value quantity over quality as the more satisfied clients you’ve assisted it gives that impression that their the best and that’s why they charge so much.
I could go on and on about ways to protect yourself from a bad matchmaker and how to identify a good matchmaker, but I would need to write a short novel for that…
Another thing of importance is a good matchmaker also will be a great relationship and life coach during the contract and after. Most charge additional high fees to coach on various aspects in 6 month segments. Meaning you’ll have to pay and $2,000 to obtain them for an additional 6 months which is terrible. I always offered initially 6 months free to coach of all forms throughout the relationship and/or life in general. As many times as needed. But within the last 2 years I have found myself creating a sort of friendship and an actual care about the relationship & it’s health. So I periodically keep in touch for the first year unless things are going incredibly well. But regardless I feel that offering coaching for free after the job has finalized to not be on a timetable and I offer the client free coaching help at anytime even if it’s 3 years down the road. I still have clients from a couple years ago I speak with from time to time and never once have charged them.
As we all know any great relationship will have its difficulties, but it’s how both partners handle each issues that may arise is what truly makes relationships last and be able to weather any storm. Again, if you have any questions what so ever please contact me at anytime. Most times people don’t need a matchmaker just a different outlook on things.
Lots of advice on this subject…how did you meet your mate? What was the attraction that kept you interested?
redcatcec posted:
Lots of advice on this subject…how did you meet your mate? What was the attraction that kept you interested?
We met purely by accident. I seen she had a big heart that I first noticed, but could tell she has had bad & mentally abusive relationships in the past. I just got outta a 7 year relationship so the timing was great for me. If you were to ask her, she said I was both gorgeous on the inside and gorgeous on the outside. This was almost 8 years ago.
She has helped me stay healthier and be more goal oriented for when we decide to have children soon. And I taught her how to become her own person and to become a fully independent woman. Both her father and her 2 previous ex boyfriends were experts at mentally abusing and controlling almost every aspect of her life. It took me almost two years to get her to stop saying sorry for everything. If we had a disagreement about somthing even when I was in the wrong, she would automatically say sorry like everything was her fault. It was kinda sad to be honest.
One of the biggest things I showed her within a healthy relationship, besides working on aspects within herself from previous abusive men in her life. Is communication on everything instead of fighting or getting upset and not saying anything until ya blow up a week later. So no matter what’s going on, whether it be a good day at work to any disagreements big or small, communication is such a valuable tool for a heathy relationship that she never even knew was a thing. It was pounded in her head at a young age that she is just a girl and if she doesn’t like what her father or prior boyfriends did or were doing, or saying that she had no say in any way what so ever. That’s why when I first met her she would literally say “I’m sorry” close to a dozen times a day over absolutely nothing, and if I wanted to go to a certain restaurant or go see a movie. I never knew if she liked any of the restaurants or movies because when I asked she just agreed with whatever I was saying or wanting to do. It wasn’t until a couple years in working with her daily that I got to figure out that there’s so many food styles I love that she absolutely cannot stand but because of her past she never would go against anything I wanted to do. It was truly sad and I knew I had to work with her to let her know what it feels like to truly be an independent woman with her own independent thinking. Once I was able to help her get to that point roughly 3 years into the relationship. I openly offfered up to her that we could break up on good terms so that she can go see the world and date other guys or even women to see what was best for her. But luckily for me she declined breaking up and has stuck by my side through many hard times and she never let anything come between our relationship.
We have a personal pact between each other that if we have any issues with one another regardless of what it is, that we made it a promise to ourselves that we will bring up whatever situation that’s bothering us with the agreement that as long as we didn’t avoid the situation and simply communicated the problem together when any problem/issue came up. That regardless of the issue, that neither one of us will get mad at each other about it, regardless of whoever was in the wrong, And by doing this we are able to be completely transparent with each other. Just like all relationships there will be issues & disagreements that will arise unexpectedly. We worked together and created our own type of communication system and that is one of our biggest tools we use to keep our relationship healthy and always growing in strength the more time goes on.
Wow I’m truly sorry for explaining so many details for your simple question. My apologies on such a lengthy answer, truly. So to simply answer your question, the attraction that has kept us going and both never losing interest in one another is that both of us equally bring out the best qualities in one another. It seems that the more difficult obstacles our relationship faces year after year. That it only brings us together that much stronger as a couple as we both take pride in helping each other better ourselves.
For example; her life plan was to finish high school and jump right into a minimum wage job wherever and start her life off that way. One thing I noticed early on is she is incredibly smart but was always told that she was an idiot.
To make a long story short after I noticed how smart she was and with some encouragement from me she graduated with honors at a top university in Michigan and almost 2 years ago we moved to Florida as she is pursuing her PhD as a bio chemist. Only 2 years into her PhD she has 4 publications in prestigious science journals.
If you want proof that I’m not making all this up. Jump online and google the international space station. Once you get into the ISS site you will look for Current science projects currently on the space station today. She is the lead scientist in her lab that headed up the project to work on various different food sources for astronauts to not starve as one of the issues nasa has in the works to get our astronauts to mars safely. The issue is we can get to and from the moon in a matter of days. Mars on the other hand will take a very long time round trip on top of once they get there they have to setup food harvesting stations which is her current project of growing corn successfully on mars by changing its DNA code using the Crispr9 technology. So google the ISS and skim through the photos. There you will see several clear bags that hospitals use when they put an IV in your arm. Besides these bags are filled with green algae. She has taken various algae forms and with the Crispr9 technology she was able to completely cut out various sections of the dna in algae and replace it with dna strands from other plants that carry traits of all kinds. Once you find the photos online you will see the name Mark Suttles or Mark Settles, I forgot how to spell it it. She is the lead scientist in Mark Suttles lab that has sent these various types of various designed algae each with different dna strands to see how each dna strand she designed holds up the best in space and for how long. But you need to make sure you see Mark Suttles name in the small captions as there’s various science projects within the ISS, once you do then you will see her first in space project for nasa.
So while she waits to see what the long term affects do to each of her algae projects. Nasa was so impressed that they just signed on and are fully budgeting Marks lab to start work on designing the best corn & sweet corn to be developed by personally designing each plants dna structures and adding/removing strengths and weaknesses within each corns dna strand to be able to withstand the conditions on mars to fully grow year round crops of corn as well as change the dna structure to improve the taste as astronauts food choices through the years haven’t had the best options when it comes to taste. So Nasa just recently signed this contract and funded these corn trials in Marks lab and my girl is the lead scientist again for the project which she easily can get 1-4 more publications in prestigious journals on top of her other publications before she graduates with her PhD. There’s big companies all ready watching her closely and from rumors in the science community the waves she is making has a strong chance at landing her a lead scientist job straight outta school which start with base salaries around $350,000 - $400,000 which do not include bonuses and additional funds from companies to buy partial rights to a couple of items she designed and put a patent on.
Again I didn’t make this answer short, I’m truly sorry buddy but I hope I answered your question. She thanks me all the time that I never stopped believing in her and we’ve made many sacrifices for her to continue her schooling. She feels if she never met me she would be working somewhere still for minimum wage probably flipping burgers because everyone in her life as she was growing up always told her she would never amount to anything and whatever the family asked of her she had to do because she was a girl, and girls have no say with things. Like I said when I met her she still lived like that and she was 20 at the time. It was one of the safest things I’ve ever seen. The worst part is she believed she was worthless all because she was a female growing up in a household with a dominant father. It’s crazy how quickly life can change in ways you’d never expect.
Since I wrote this much already I will finish this reply with a bit of humor. Once nasa brings the algae back to earth she will examine and make whatever changes needed to make sure the algae is edible and has a very long shelf life. Once she finishes that is when the fun begins as she gets to add the flavoring. I have a feeling I’ll be her test dummy to find out what flavors taste good and which ones I can’t stomach. But a funny but very proud video she has is from a Russian astronaut on the ISS that is holding up one of the algae bags and in his Russian broken up English with a huge smile on his face is begging her to make him his own special Root Beer flavored algae. He is laughing but serious and the best part is he made that video to be sent directly to her which made her come home crying in enjoyment. I will not add her name on here but if your that obsessed it would be easy for anyone to do simple research to find out the lead scientist in Marks lab.
Enjoy the short book…
I hope I was able to offer some help & advice to each of you that posted here. If you have any questions and want to contact me quicker. Then please send me a private message at anytime. Good luck to each of you!!!
Thank you for all the definitions of matchmaker vs life coach, etc. This is something I will look into in the near future. I’ve sold my current home and my new home should be finished being built in 6 to 8 weeks. As for vetting a person, my military skills help me weed out the bad ones. I’ve developed good radar for odd characters. I’m in no rush. If a task is to be done right, time and effort must be equal measure to make the best final result. The old saying of “do what you like to do and you’ll find people who like the same things.” Never a truer sentence ever written. I also live in a city which has many centuries of history and a massive military base, so there are always plenty of people to meet. It is true that the folks from the South are friendly to everyone. Since I’ve lived here, if I see tourists, I can tell them things to do and see off the beaten path. In this video, where the boy and dog jump in a lake, that is where my new home is. It looks like one of the homes in the background, but I chose bricks over clapboard siding. https://youtu.be/kQx-bTUwKHk
You are very welcome, interesting video btw. You know what you want and have a solid but smart head on your shoulders. I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for when your not looking for it, as that’s how it goes sometimes. Best of luck to you, and it’s been great conversating with you.
I have found “when one door closes, another opens” to be true. After a divorce, the man of my soul was right there and he knew it the moment he saw me. Can you imagine! So many redeeming qualities that have remained to this day.
Beautiful video and I appreciate you sharing.
redcatcec posted:
I have found “when one door closes, another opens” to be true. After a divorce, the man of my soul was right there and he knew it the moment he saw me. Can you imagine! So many redeeming qualities that have remained to this day.
Beautiful video and I appreciate you sharing.
That is awesome, I love hearing stories like this. And to think if you didn’t get that divorce, you never woulda known those “redeeming qualities” in your relationship as you do now. Huge Congrats!!