Heeeey gorgeous people!
So, a little background:
I’m a young adult and come from a very unfortunate family situation in which I was not only not encouraged to save money, but I was also frequently asked for it (money) by my guardians. And/or told I should just marry someone to escape poverty.
Well, to heck with that! (No way, Jose’)
So, I’m now living in a MUCH better emotional situation, but…I’m also more broke than I’ve ever been, with no savings, working a full time retail job that pays about 600-700 every two weeks-
Doesn’t sound TOO bad, right?
Well, hang on to your pants, because I have a $345 car bill.
A $106 car insurance bill (WOOT! I managed to make it a little cheaper!)
And my half of the rent is ($280) which I realize is extreeemely cheap compared to other places. Our total rent is somewhere in the 480 dollar range.
(I apologize. I realize it isn’t polite to be so…errr…open with earnings and spendings like this. But I’m tryin’ to help give you an idea, so you can more easily give me advice)
Since, electric and water is extremely low, my roomie is comfortable taking care of that, while I purchase our household amenities and groceries. (I’m gonna say aroung $60 give or take)
I realize that one day, roomie may want to move to be closer to her ill mother, which makes sense, and I want to be more financially stable once that happens, maybe even be able to afford a place without a roomie.
What are some side gigs you might suggest? I work about 40 hours at my retail job, so I still have available time, in between!