I developed an app (airbnb of parking)!

Hi, I hope you are all doing well! I have been developing an app/business for the last two years and I think you all would love it. It is essentially airbnb of driveways. As opposed to competition, you can rent out available space on your driveway, yard, or even apartment parking space to make passive income. Its different because you can rent your space out for hours at a time rather than having to have a parking space open for at least a month long straight. This means if you work from 9am-5pm, you could list your space from 10am-4pm on those days.

I would love for you all to check it out and sign up as a host! I appreciate any support/interest in the app! LINK HERE


wow that’s cool there was another couple where we went to a huge Flea market and no where to park so my husband asked the man if i give this amount of money can i park in your driveway and he thought and said that’s a great way to make money so we did and just walked across the street to the Flea Market


This is exactly the type of thing I love to hear! We want to enter all of the niche markets like this (concerts, sporting events, flea markets, etc.). I really appreciate your feedback and interest in the application. I would love to have you on board (even if you only need parking you can always sign up as a Guest). The links in the initial description if you do. Thanks again!

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