How can I save my money without a bank account?
Saving money using coins is a great way to go.
I personally like to save money by getting it in nickels.
Doing this makes it less likely to get stolen (not as attractive as cash) and those coins can really add up to a significant amount over time!
I also save by coins or change, it’s easy and actually pay myself more interest than banks,
When I was a server, I’d save a percentage of my cash tips in a shoebox. It helped to be able to actually see the money (and helped me not spend as much).
We have a safe and use different envelopes in the safe. I keep one for vacation and one for holidays and put all my ‘unexpected’ or ‘extra’ money in there.
Daniel Laguerre posted:
How can I save my money without a bank account?
I have recently bought my self a slot machine Tiny piggy bank that I put all my change in you would me surprised how much you can save. It’s fun too.
Thanks a lot!
my friend’s husband buys silver & gold coins & bars.
Hey! That’s a good idea.
Be careful buying bars not sure if pure. Safest and best is buying pre1963 dimes (silver)