Switching up money routine

Hi. Do you ever switch things up to reshuffle your finances?

It’s been a few years, but I’m back to the cash envelop method for groceries. Been testing it out in the new age of ever changing grocery prices. It’s good not to delay the payment of these consumables (via credit card). Sure, I won’t get the extra hotel points, but I am saving money each week.

I’m in my first month of TBM (The Budget Mom) program. Love my many highlighters. Still working towards balance.

I’ve been also trying out Fetch (app) for two months. Good results thus far with $20 in free gift cards. You scan receipts for points. Your information for their benefit. I limit the information I provide (only what I want) and don’t auto connect it to my personal email. I like it.

What new tricks are you trying?


@Polar Money I do that as well…switch things up a bit. I’m back to cash for food/gas. Sometimes, I buy grocery store cards but that got out of hand because I shop at multiple grocery stores. For now, cash is easier to budget…and for the budget. I tried Fetch a few years ago, and the program just didn’t work for me. It may have been the old phone I had.

Something else I’m trying now is making payments twice a month on bills.


i pay bills on line with card and pay cash for everything else, and if any one notice, they change prices at the gas pump, depending on cash or credit


I’ve removed my credit cards from my wallet for the time being. Using cash or my debit card for purchases helps me think twice about how much I spend and what I choose to spend money on, ultimately saving some money each week.


I am a HUGE fan of the Budget Mom! It has been life changing for me and my finances. I use cash envelopes for many things and find that it really helps with my spending. When the money is gone, its gone!


I was following The Budget Mom and fell off the wagon. I need to revisit her method and make the switch to cash envelopes. Good idea with paying bills with cards since I can pay them off and still earn points/cash back. I also use Fetch rewards, Ibotta and Rakuten.


New tricks:

Fetch app for groceries, Upside app for fuel savings in my area (some gas stations are offering up to 36 cents a gallon), flashfood app for discounts on groceries, I am loyal to NO grocery store now. I shop the loss leaders and fill in around them. Don’t carry credit cards with me. My sons are keeping an eye when they are in different stores for bargains and my youngest one has started a price book! (He’s 22 and I’m completely amazed.) My oldest, age 27, is asking for cash discounts when things need to be bought. If you go into a grocery store close to when they close, you can find produce discounted, as it has to be pulled off the shelf if it doesn’t sell by day’s end. Most stores discount their stuff later at night or very early in the morning. Become familiar with your store’s stockers. They can usually tell you when the store gets their trucks. This is important because if something is on sale and it’s vital to you and out of stock, you want to know if a truck will arrive midweek or if you are asking for a rain check. Ask the people who work produce when they mark down their stuff.