Take the pledge to learn something new during Financial Literacy Month!


Time to bust out the decorations – April is Financial Literacy Month! Personally, I like to pick a wall in my home office and tape $1 bills to it… Joking aside, it’s always good to dedicate some time to learning how to better your finances. Or help someone you know better understand how to manage their money.

For me, I’m going to pledge to learn more about trading stocks, especially the more nuanced aspects of trading like futures and call options.

Is there something you want to learn to better your financial wellbeing? Take the pledge with me and let everyone know below!

It just happens that I have been focusing on helping my graduating senior create a budget and a savings plan for this summer and college. And beyond! His plan is to get his LPN and start working ASAP and that will come on him faster than he realizes.


That’ll be so useful for your son – a lifeskill to build upon!


This is not exactly a pledge but I just paid off a debt so yay me!!! :moneybag:


Definitely YAY you!!

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That’s huge! Go @brigat!!

Thanks @kellyfromkeene!


Thanks, Will-Community Manager!

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I’ll take the pledge with you, @will. There’s always something to learn or nuances of things you already knew or thought you knew. Because April is also tax month, it’s a good time to review your spending plan, budgets, and future plans.


You, go @brigat. Congratulations.


@sthom I hate taxes so much! I definitely am reworking my budget after filing this time around…

Don’t get me started. I’m such a procrastinator when it comes to taxes. I’ll be working until midnight on the 18th at least. Funny how I hate doing taxes but love everything about budgeting/spending tracking. Go figure :smiley:


I’m filing mine tonight @sthom! My wife is not happy that I procrastinated this long, lol!


Thanks so much kellyfromkeene

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Thanks so much @sthom!

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Ditto to learning more about investing! I trust my financial advisor to make the best decison for me but I’ve always had a little voice inside that tells me I should understand the market better.

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I’ll take the pledge! Forever learning about investing as well as personal and business taxes. I’ll learn the strategies and then forget, so I need a handy dandy cheat sheet. :slight_smile:

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