Thieves are back at it again

Thieves stole as much as $30 million from a money storage facility in Los Angeles on Easter Sunday in one of the biggest cash heists in the city’s history, the [Los Angeles Times reported]

Wow it’s sad the way things are going in this world today why not get a job instead of ripping people off

Way sad……… There’s more people not doing the next right thing then there is people doing the next right thing nowadays. People on a daily basis, people on the Internet businesses on the Internet seems to be the goal is, is to scam take it vantage of steel Some people. It’s nonstop. I’m sure there’s a reset coming soon.

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i so agree with you .i did a web cam interview and i received my gift card in the mail so i went to activated it so i called the number got it done, then pushed button to make sure i had the right amount of money wow from my 125.00 i was told i had 2.95 some one had got my information and spent the money on games. they are still checking it out, one month later and still waitting to hear from the card company. so i went and changed all my passwords, so sad what we deal with today