Today I Will Share my success story of clearing exam

When I had first given the CompTIA A+ demo test, I was determined to give my hundred percent. So I focussed on clearing the mock tests with the good score because if I score well here, I score well in the actual CompTIA A+ certification exam. This was my motto. Gradually, I started scoring well and the good score was not ephemeral because I had started understanding the nuances of the syllabus which ultimately helped me in staying on the path of success. I scored 86% in the exam at first attempt but I did not stop there and have continued my premium membership.

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Congratulations!!! You will go far in your IT career with your determination and learning style. Taking a free demo and finding out what you need to study more.

Years ago, I earned my Novel CNA and was a LAN technician. I knew I didn’t feel like I was where I wanted to be but I was greatful for what I was learning. Eventuality, I became a Corporate Training Manager for a company that had a offices across the country and in the UK. Every times new software was being rolled out, I had to go on the road. The other trainers stayed behind. I got sent because if things weren’t installed correctly, they knew I could fix it. I stopped working when we began a family. Loved the job but I couldn’t leave my baby.

Anyway, good luck to you!! You’ll do great.