Finance Goals & Plan for 2023

I will be honest, most years I wait until the last minute to make any solid financial plans for the following year but I am trying to think ahead this year.

With the last 2 months of the year upon us, and with the holidays upcoming, this time will fly by before we know it.

I am still working out specific goals for 2023 but for now I am trying to do a deep dive into my finances including making sure my business finances are in order so I can file taxes sooner rather than waiting until the last possible minute (like I did this year lol)

That being said, I am curious, do you have any 2023 financial goals you would be willing to share?

It’s never too early to start planning and by sharing with each other we can help each other be more prepared for the year ahead!

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thanks i’ll wait for the community to bring great ideas

This is always a great topic, @moore.income! While I started off 2021in pretty good shape, I wound up with a bit of credit card debt by mid year. I’m budgeting to pay it off by the end of 2023!


Happy New Year! I’m going to answer as if time doesn’t fly by that fast and this question pertains to 2023. I have a lot of financial plans this year - way more ambitious than years past. I’m looking to take 3 trips this year to visit family and friends. Too many to travel hack them all so expecting to pay for airfare a bit this year. I also am realizing we are only 10 years away from my oldest needing college savings so I’m planning to ramp that up asap. First things first is to get my car paid off. Transportation costs have been so high in our budget with a never ending car payment – can’t wait to focus our money elsewhere. Targeting February or March 2023 to pay it off.


hi reach your goal i love the way your planning the future gives me idea to do the same, haven’t visit my daughter in Florida in three years time to do that thank you for sharing have a good day


I do have a few 2023 goals and they are generally savings goals.
Increase emergency savings, start a household maintenance savings, and be very specific and on top of my budget to see what else I can put towards these goals.

I’m also resolving to eliminate my student loans this year, and while that sounds passive, its a massive amount of documentation, follow-up, and waiting. I should be at the end of the PSLF program in March.