New Member and glad for it!!

Just wanted to say my name is Rich and i am glad to be a member now of this community. I have been receiving the Penny Hoarder in my email for probably over a year now; and i love it!! especially the sections dealing with consumer lawsuits. Got to admit you folks turned me onto the whole idea of filing when its a failed product of one type or another especially when it actually something you have purchased and had it fail for you personally. Also have to admit to date i have probably made somewhere between 500-1000 dollars from them, and i probably would never done so otherwise except for the information provided by the Penny Hoarder. Better add in a bit of a common sense disclaimer…I wouldn’t recommend filing to be part of a case unless you actually have experienced loss or been cheated per say by a failed product you actually purchased. You can be held legally liable for making false claims so please don’t get prosecuted trying to make extra $$ illegitimately. So hope i haven’t ran on too long here and feel free to comment, criticize, whatever…and hav an awesome day.


Hi Rich! @lanere2003 Nice to meet you and glad you are a part of the community. I also have been subscribed to The Penny Hoarder for some time now and it has by far been one of my favorite blogs on the internet.

I have gotten so many great ideas from reading their posts.

It’s cool to see how you have taken and applied some of their advice to make money as well!


Hi Rich, I’m Becky. I too am a Penny Hoarder junkie. I’ve found some side hustles as a mystery shopper to be fun and profitable–I joke that I’m putting my journalism degree to use. I’ve also started investing via Stash and Acorn, and am currently saving up for a trip to Iceland–which Penny Hoarder did a nice article on how to do that on the cheap. Welcome to the community.


Thanks so much


New to this site… Any tips or advice would b really appreciated. ?

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@christina.corey Welcome to the forum! What topics would be helpful for you?

Feel free to go around and comment on other people’s topics here on the forum. That is a great way to get started and start getting to know some of the awesome members of this community!

I am new to this forum.I want to read more post so that I know where I’m going with the forums.