online business

hello guys,I’m new here…loooking for an online opportunity business…If you got any idea please reply.


Hey there’s quite a bit of online opportunities that you can do, but it all depends on how much money you have and how much risk you want to take.

There’s generally a tradeoff between how much time it takes to start getting traction vs. how much financial risk you want to take.

For example, you can do e-commerce which has a decent amount of financial exposure, but doesn’t take as much time to set up and maintain as, say, building a software to sell.

You can also do service arbitrage where the financial risk is low but you need to be able to spend a lot of time translating what your client wants to your contractor.

You can make stuff digital items on Etsy, which requires no financial risk but takes a ton of time.

And a lot more ideas…each with their own risks and tradeoffs.

Not to shill my own website but I write about quite a few online ideas I’ve personally had experience with here:…arning/misc-tactics/


You can find a lot of online business ideas from Pennyhoarder alone ? And to top on their suggestions, I have my own! It’s not a business, more like passive income. (But you can treat it as such)

If you have items you don’t use anymore, consider renting them out to those who may need them. The idea is to list all your available items on an online rental site that will show your stuff to the neighborhood. This way, people don’t have to drive all the way to Home Depot but just walk their way to you.

I personally have rented out canopies to people who live near me. Earnings are good especially during summer! I use My garage Rentals for this!


Hi Peter,

Great topic. There are a lot of different opportunities you can find here on the Penny Hoarder and other places. I open accounts for the largest online e-commerce wellness company. People can shop wholesale for products and services they use every day. We create residual income for ourselves when we help others. I have been with the company for over 20 years. I like it because I can work online and also in person; so I have the best of both. Let me know if I can help you.


I just started working as a virtual assistant for a company, but will probably transition to making this a business of my own. There are many sites that offer training on being a virtual assistant. The thing I like is I can work from home-so being able to accomplish some of my household chores during the day. And, I’m also able to sell some of my stuff on eBay, etc. If you have any questions, just let me know.

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