I had smoked since I was 13, and having attempted to quit many times, the rising costs of cigarettes was concerning me greatly. I formulated a plan to weaning off cigarettes with the oncoming of e-cigs, but with a new incentive. Invest the money I would save on each daily purchase. To cement my earnestness I withdrew $3,000 and invested it through Vanguard into a health account. In the first weekend I found the e-cigs to be harmful to my throat and quit them immediately. I would do this cold turkey. 95% of people who attempt to quit smoking fail. However, the incentive to make money through my investment was much more encouraging than any health benefit I might receive. I haven’t smoked in 4 and 1/2 years, realized a $1,500 gain above my original investment, a true win/win proposition.
Wow that is an awesome story. I like that you set a goal to reward yourself for quitting. I believe many people fail because they don’t replace it with something better or simply have a big enough reason in their mind to justify quitting.
This is a great encouragement to someone trying to quit that it is possible but it also shows the reward of investing in yourself.
Way to go! @scotirish
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