Now this is from a blogging point of view, because you want your blog to actually rank min all major search engines. And SEO is not quite as complicated as is often assumed. But rather pretty logic if you know the basics. I’m going to guide you through the basics of keywords and strategic placement. We will cover graphic design and ranking secrets at a later point in time.
Why a blog is important to make money online
Because it is your chance to proof to your readers that you are as professional as you say you are. Your blog is like your viral salesman, and your content gives the salesman some facts to point out. Apart from SEO and readability, there is also graphic design. This comes in handy with featured images in blog posts for instance. Because the first impression is what turns a click into a visitor, and ultimately into a buyer.
What is a target keyword and how do you know which your target keywords are?
The target keyword is the one word (or search phrase) that best describe the content of your blog, or blog post. But it is also important to target keywords with a low competition and high search volume per month. The “trick” however is to use the target keyword within context of the H1 Header (Blog title), or H2 header (Blog post title). Simply cramming a bunch of keywords together that makes no sense will not result in desired search results.
Your blog title (H1 Header)
No more than 60 characters also counting the tagline. And also counting all spaces which in total must not exceed 60 characters. Furthermore, the target keyword should be placed as close to the beginning of the title as possible. But preferably as the first word or phrase within the H1 header.
Your blog post title (H2 header)
With the post title you can use single target keywords (short tail keywords) or relevant search phrases. Also no more than 60 characters, also counting spaces. The blog post title and featured image must tell your visitor exactly what they are about to read. This will also increase the amount of reads you get on your blog. Because amount of reads not only generate sales. But also indicates audience interest in your content. And an interested audience is also a subscribing audience who will return because they are curious to what else they can learn from you.
Blog post body
The blog post body should be between 1000 - 2000 words with sub headers. And each sub-header should be followed by paragraphs not exceeding 300 words before the next sub-heading. The target keyword and/or search phrase should be present in the post body no less than 8 - 10 times. But don’t over insert target keywords and search phrases. A search phrase is also known as the anchor text. The post body should also contain transition words, and passive voice should be limited to around 10% of the body content.
The anchor text is the search phrase a visitor is more likely to enter into the search window when searching for a specific interest. Like “how can I make money with my blog”. That will then be the anchor text, providing that is what your blog is about.
Furthermore the post body should contain some video and images directly related to the post body content. With internal and external links also on the topic at hand. Internal links point to other blog posts and pages. External links is links to a different domain from another site also related to the topic. But do concentrate on sites with the https protocol enabled. In other words a secure site, because https URLs enjoy preference by all major search engines.
Concluding a quick basic check on keyword and search phrase placement. But how do you research the relevant keywords? In my opinion, the best keyword research tool is the Google Keyword Planner, accessible through your Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) membership.