Unique ideas for making money during COVID-19

Does anyone have any tips on earning extra income during the COVID-19 crisis? I have been participating in focus groups pretty consistently for the past few months. The only thing is that not every focus group I apply to accepts me.

Here are some of the websites I’ve been using:



I’d love to hear your ideas!

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nexrep.com they hire for independent contractors the pay isnt great but it helps

I took up transcription work. Paid by the piece, but i can come and go as I please and they actually have good feedback and training provided by real humans.

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@hc Hi Heather, some of your posts were flagged as SPAM. Please be sure to consult the community guidelines (under Get Started tab) again to be sure your posts don’t get denied and are appropriate for the community. Looking forward to seeing your new posts here soon!

Also, I live in WAY rural Texas. We are talking at LEAST a 1.5-hour drive to the nearest safe hospital, and bookstore (sad). But in these parts (she drawled) folks take what they are good at, and offer that service to the community at large. For example, I am known for my unique and original cheesecake creations so I will take special orders for various events. At my daughter’s insistence, I have also performed as a wedding photographer.

At this point in history, people are having to go back to their roots to make ends meet. Cook, recycle, reuse, repurpose. And back in the day if one neighbor was great with an ax, he would trade his time chopping wood for his neighbor’s time in churning butter for his winter storage. Be brave and barter with those newly skilled connections.