What do you do with your junk mail (paper mail)?

Wondering how everyone feel about so much junk mail we get. Most people I have come across hate it but a few of them like browsing through it. I am just sad how much paper is wasted.


We recycle junk mail through our county recycle program.

I also use some junk mail in mixed media artwork. I especially like the solid color, quality paperstock some of the banks use when soliciting recipients to sign up for a credit card. I use that type of paper in a die cutting machine or with craft paper punches.

Even if you are not really into crafting or artwork, one $10 (purchased with a Michaels or JoAnn’s 40% off coupon, of course!) craft paper punch in the shape of a tag, large circle or square can garner quite a few gift tags from some junk mail that offers a large area of a solid color. You can continue to embellish them or leave plain. A good quality, white gel pen looks great on dark paper like navy or grey. Good comparisons of white gel pens here https://www.jetpens.com/blog/t…hite-ink-pens/pt/340

Craft punch comes in handy after Christmas, too, upcycling those beautiful Christmas cards!


Thanks ! That’s helpful !

I just signed up with

Small Business Knowledge Center




**They will pay you for the junk mail that you send to them.

Direct Mail

We will provide you with pre-paid envelopes that you can use to send us direct mail pieces. We encourage panelists to send us a mailbag every week. We replenish these envelopes at regular intervals, but if you run out, just let us know and we will send you more!

Generally speaking, communications we are interested in include solicitations and offers, loyalty program information, information packets, welcome kits and other communications from companies in the following industries:

  • Banking
  • Credit Cards
  • Energy Suppliers & Providers
  • Insurance
  • Investments/Annuities
  • Mortgage and Loans
  • Retailers
  • Telecom
  • Travel and Leisure

We DO NOT collect nor reward points for: catalogs, newspapers, weekly circulars/flyers, magazines, prospectuses, or print-outs of emails, PDFs, etc. We only accept emails directly from companies and are not interested in emails from 3rd party companies.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!

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If there is a “postage paid addressed envelope” included I stuff as much of it as I can into it and mail it back to them with some sort of a note like do not forward or no more spam please. Believe it or not it works in two ways first by using then by preventing at least some junk mail. Digital junk mail aka spam is a different topic altogether.


I actually came across an opt-out guide for junk mail .


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I’m in Canada and Survey Savvy and Ipsos have programs where they ask people to send them their junk mail every month for a chance to win money. Ipsos offers $150 and I don’t remember what Survey Savvy offers. But the junk mail has to be from certain categories like credit card offers, banking, government, insurance, car dealers, etc.

Last month a marketing company based in Chicago emailed me and was running the exact same program. I only got two pieces of relevant junk mail in June and they paid me $50 plus they reimbursed me for the cost of shipping

I went to my local businesses store and purchased a shredder. I shred everything from junk mail to bills we receive in the mail. Of course I pay the bill, but the enclosed statement I shred. Hope this helps.

Im like Alisak I stuff their pp envelope with their contents that were sent to me along with a request to remove my name from their mailing list. If i’m unable to do this I don’t respond at all.