Online checking account for business - recommendations?

I have an LLC for my freelance writing/editing work, and for a few years I’ve had a separate checking account for those funds. I recently realized that I don’t have enough cash in the account to have the monthly “maintenance” fee waived - so I’m losing $15 a month! I know my freelance business hasn’t been super busy these days, but I’d certainly like to hold on to most of the money I’ve earned, you know?

I’d love to hear about your experiences with online-only checking accounts for your side hustle or business.


Hmm… That’s a great question. Currently I know about a lot of personal online checking accounts but I haven’t really looked into business accounts.

It is definitely something I should be doing though as I do plan on launching a side hustle soon.

I will keep my eye out and let you know what I find.

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