States and changing rules

How is everyone dealing with the changing COVID rules? We are isolated, then we start reopening with merchants having restrictions, then our governor puts new restrictions in place due to COVID spikes. My family is beyond stressed out. Help!

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Here in CT Im trusting in my governor Lamont, he seems to be making smart decisions that line up with what I agree is best for the safety of me and my family. I otherwise only do what I feel safe and comfortable doing regardless of what opens up.


I am good! I am in NH half-time and CT half-time and don’t mind at all the slower pace of things. Spending way more time with my teenagers and love working from home. I do miss eating out often and live music though. And my summer vacation in Maine isn’t happening…

I feel pretty safe, but then again my communities are small. When I go out, I only go places I feel safe- no crowds, etc.


I’m continuing to be safe. But then, I started wearing a mask in early March when I saw this Italian male nurse online who got COVID while he was working in Spain. I recalled one of the things he said was he didn’t understand why just medical people should be the only ones wearing masks. He felt everyone should be wearing them. I took his advice to heart. Maybe too much…I have 8 masks! plus the N95 masks that I’ve always used for working around the house and outside due to dust, mold, and grass allergies.

I still go out for necessary things (and sometimes, unnecessary), but masked up. I do most grocery shopping using pick-up service but will go to stores that REQUIRE masks such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. My favorite store, ALDI, doesn’t require masks but most people wear them and keep their distance. Frankly, I should probably cut down going out because I live in Houston (we’re in crisis mode) and I’m over 65.

My spirits are pretty good considering. I continue to do work for my homeowner’s association board and some freelance work when I have the energy.


I’m in GA and staying safe, but I’d be lying if I said wasn’t constantly worried. The numbers in this county alone have surged dramatically. Due to that surge, I do see more people than before actually wearing masks (even if improperly). Living with my 71-year-old mother and my immunocompromised sister - coming back from her second hip replacement - I can only hope the community will cooperate to protect ourselves, and stop listening to naysaying politicians.


We are in the Atlanta metro. We wear masks and use gloves. My husband’s best friend’s wife, an RN at Emory Dekalb came down with Covid-19. My husband’s friend who traveled to Florida for funerals, 4th of July weekend, now has Covid-19 and is in the hospital. He has diabetes and is over 65. My surrogate daughter, an RN, has been reassigned back on Sunday to the Covid-19 unit at Emory. I really wish people would wear masks and stay safe. Covid-19 is serious, and it’s easier to wear a mask than be on a ventilator. It’s not political, just be safe.


Here in Maryland we are seeing so many interpretations and variations on the theme. People wearing masks and are getting tired of it, they are not believing lots of the media hype to keep this going.

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I’m in Florida and it’s not good here at all. Our governor needs to issue a mask mandate, but has so far refused. And some of the beaches are still open - I went a few weeks ago but made sure to socially distance. If our governor had acted differently, and not opened us up so quickly I think we’d be in a much better place in terms of infections right now.


Thats just too bad lismox. We had a huge family trip scheduled at Reunion resort for this week but we cancelled it in April. Everyone was really looking forward to it. I doubt if I’ll be going down to Florida within the next year. I just use common sense regardless of what the governor or president says because I really do not want to catch this thing, their are just way too many unknowns. Please take care and stay safe.


There is a lot of hype and misinformation about this but we are staying home as much as possible and wearing masks when we do have to go out. We’re in NY (north of NYC) so masks are mandated. I met a friend last week whose brother was in a group home in NJ and died of Covid-19. A lot of people don’t want to wear masks because they say it is against their civil rights and I kinda feel that if they get it and die, it’s on them but they may spread it to the rest of us before that happens. I feel they are being selfish and foolish. How many people do you have to hear on the news say that got the virus and then regretted not taking it more seriously? And the young people having “Covid parties” where they purposely try to get infected?!