Introduce yourself!

hello dougo13 welcome to the community

Thanks, Kelly, and thanks @irishnanny! Does anyone know, is there a such thing as having too many savings accounts?


Hi, I’m Hilda Williams. I’m a single mother and I live in Atlanta.


welcome lismox nice to meet you


I have saving accounts in 2 different banks- 5 of them total. I know people who do sinking funds in savings accounts that have over 10, so I would guess that as long as you can track them, you can’t have too many!


Welcome Hilda!
We are glad you are here and look forward to ‘talking’ with you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome @HildKittie! Glad to have you here!

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Hi will checking in to see how your doing with your credit cards hopefully it’s getting better have a nice day


@irishnanny Still working to pay them down and being careful not to add any additional debt. It’s going to be a frugal year for my wife and me!


You got this I can tell by the way you post have a great day


Spread across banks is a good hedge if there are “bail-ins”. What’s a bail-in? It’s when the bank goes broke and the government won’t bail them out like they did in 2008 by infusing liquidity.

The bail-in takes your deposit from you to bolster the bank’s liquidity. Then you’re broke, not the bank. Of course, FDIC insurance will cover losses - but not immediately when you need your money, nor does FDIC insurance apply to credit union accounts.


very interesting perry thanks for sharing


Well, a lot of the items I picked up for free or low cost you can’t get anymore. Like, I found a bunch of old comics that I intended to give to a friend who collects them only to find that the resale on them is in the hundreds of dollars! Guess he isn’t getting them then. I guess he can always get the trade paperbacks unless they too are out of print (from doing some research…yes they are). But I’ve also been looking into selling stuff on eBay again after I quit some years ago when I went back to work. I have a lot of stuff now worth thousands of dollars. I can’t keep it forever and though I’ve moved a lot of stuff to a storage locker, I can do away with a lot of stuff to make the storage costs low or nil. I just need more time…

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Hi. I live in and am from Los Angeles, CA. This seems like a fun, easy way to be social. I work as a photographer and actor - neither of which gives me a constant income. Always looking for ways to learn. I’ve gotten good advice from Penny Hoarder.
Here’s a tip: My Capital One 360 Performance Savings account pays 3.40﹪ interest. May be the highest out there

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Welcome @mikul.robins! Looking forward to seeing you here on the forums!

Rosie here from N. California. Stay at home wife of a year 19 school teacher needs at least one side hustle to be productive and financially beneficial. I love crafts and being creative, it’s just I have a hard time taking an initiative with sales, marketing and building up a system to maintain a balance to where it’s a win win for everyone. Boom.
I graduated from a couple of vocational schools, though both found me jobless as demand from those schools is tough. The last school I finished was for Medical Assistant, front and back office in 2002.
Time to level up, and I know I’m not alone in my mid 50’s, thinking of the future that I want to create, not one that I’ll just end up with. I wanna spoil my family and myself, to celebrate what we have instead of regretting what’s been lost in the past ten years. Change has been tough for us all, so we’re grateful that we’re still here with a thirst for life.
I love giving and hearing advice, mentoring and helping if I can in a place with like minded people who are frugal and smart with their time. I’m looking forward to learning a ton too. Thanks.

Welcome looking forward to seeing more of your post

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Welcome @Rosie_Henderson! Let us know if you have any pressing money questions!

Was wondering what this meant.

Is this about making movies?